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Brief of activities conducted in last 3 years without any financial support:

  • Response to Covid-19: Offered relief, care and support to the people affected by leprosy in collaboration with Carmel School Digwadih, St. Nirankari Mission and under 1st round support from SHF as well as through contributions from Individuals.
  • Public sensitization and awareness: Initiated public campaigns to stop stigma and discrimination. This included pledge-taking in schools, community drives, as well as public meetings and rallies by the affected on world leprosy day.
  • Welcoming Honorable Yohei Sasakawa: In 2018, the situation and needs of those affected was shared with APAL. Worked with APAL & Jago Foundation for the visit of Mr. Yohie Sasakawa at Bokaro, Jharkhand. Livelihood activities of the leprosy affected were presented and a welcome programme was put up by the girls’ band of leprosy colonies.
  • Lobbying for Land Rights - Consistent efforts and appeals are being raised with Individuals, institutions and government authorities for land entitlement of the people affected by leprosy living in high risk coal mining areas.
  • Liaison – Working with the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) department of Government of India to provide livelihood support for people affected by Leprosy.
  • Efforts towards inclusivity: In 2019, for the first time, people affected by leprosy from Dhanbad were helped to participate in an International Marathon (Tata Steel World 25K) in Kolkata under ‘Champions of disability’ and received wider acceptance and appreciation.
  • Housing: In 2018, raised support from Damien Social welfare Centre for the repair of 40 houses of the affected, which had been demolished by the department of Railways.
  • Care & Support: In 2018 & 2019, collaborated with Tata Steel Rural Development Society to provide customised protective footwear - Micro-Cellular Rubber(MCR) footwear.
  • Self-help groups: Through liaison with the Municipal Corporation, in 2018 & 2019, women affected by leprosy were mobilized to form self-help groups (SHGs). This was also linked with National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) that provided initial motivational assistance of Rs. 10000 each.
Cinque Terre


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