
Home / What we do

Atma Swabhiman is working with groups of persons affected by Leprosy in 50+ colonies in Jharkhand. We conduct a range of programmes to build skills and self-confidence so that individuals and families can live with dignity in an inclusive society. We aim to reach out to other groups of Leprosy affected people in different parts of the country.

Our key activities:

  • Health care support for people affected by leprosy living in the Jharkhand colonies.
  • Improved hygiene measures in the colonies, including provision for water.
  • Educational support for children.
  • Skill development, training and employment opportunities for youth in the colonies.
  • Formation of self-help groups, especially of women.
  • Lobbying with authorities to generate better Policies and government entitlement for:
    • Acceptance of leprosy affected with disabilities.
    • Pension plans.
    • Land and Housing reforms.
  • Organization of festivals and societal activities providing opportunities for inclusion and acceptance.
  • Utilization of media locally, nationally and internationally to draw attention to the situation of people affected by Leprosy, as well as to drive the message of inclusion and acceptance.
  • Development of long-term sustainable patterns of income to enable programme enhancement and expansion

Leprosy Care and Health

Education for Children

Skill Building and Employment Opportunities

Community Development